Thursday, March 19, 2020

Definition of Auxiliary Verb

Definition of Auxiliary Verb A verb that is used with a main verb that follows to help indicate its tense or some other way in which the verb is understood. As such, the auxiliary verb often doesnt have any meaning in itself, only in how it affects the main verb. The auxiliary verb and the main verb together form what is known as a compound verb. Auxiliary verbs are used much more often in English than they are in Spanish ​since Spanish is able to use conjugation to indicate tenses that sometimes are expressed in English with auxiliary verbs. For example, the future tense in English uses the auxiliary verb will as in I will study. But Spanish needs no auxiliary verb in this case, as the future is expressed through a verb ending: estudiarà ©. English also uses the auxiliary verb do to form many questions, as in Do you study? Such an auxiliary isnt needed in Spanish:  ¿Estudias? Two very common English auxiliaries have equivalents in Spanish: In English, forms of to have are combined with the past participle to form the perfect tenses; in Spanish, haber is used. In English, forms of to be are combined with the present participle to form the progressive (or continuous) tenses; in Spanish, forms of estar are used with the gerund. Also Known As Helping verb. The Spanish term is verbo auxiliar. Examples of Auxiliary Verbs Auxiliary verbs are in boldface; note that sometimes an auxiliary is used in one language but not the other. I have bought the medicine. (He comprado los medicamentos.)We are celebrating. (Estamos celebrando.)He does not work. (No trabaja.)I can swim. (Puedo nadar.)I usually drive fast. (Suelo manejar rpido.)

Monday, March 2, 2020

How to Construct a Strong Conclusion

How to Construct a Strong Conclusion How to Construct a Strong Conclusion Once you’ve written most of an assigned paper, you might struggle to create a proper conclusion. The conclusion, when you leave your audience with your final message, could be the part a reader remembers most. Knowing this, the conclusion should be written with as much thought and consideration as the rest of your piece. If you’re having trouble constructing a strong conclusion, here are some useful pointers: What makes a good conclusion? A good conclusion needs to combine your ideas accurately and seamlessly. It is expected to bring your reader back to your thesis statement and emphasize its significance. The reader should also have a general reminder of your main points and feel compelled to act in some way, motivated by what they learned from your paper. Different ways to form your conclusion Restate your introduction This conveys the reader back to your starting point and links all the ideas in the essay. Revisit the question or statement in your introduction that was meant to catch your reader’s interest this could be an illustration, a question, a story, or a famous quote. In this type of conclusion, you answer your question, provide the final events of the story, or give further details to explain your statement. Outline your main points A quick and simple way to end your paper is to reiterate your main ideas. This method works well for longer essays but may be tedious if used for shorter ones. Rather than merely repeating your ideas, it’s more interesting to the reader when you show how your points are connected. Issue a challenge to your reader You can stimulate your reader to do something or initiate a change based on the findings of your paper. Present this challenge or call to action and its benefits to the reader or its advantages over other actions. Your aim is to inspire your reader with their ability to create positive change in their own life or in the lives of others. Visualize the future Though the particulars of your essay, you help your readers broaden their view and look at the bigger picture. Your goal is to help them understand the relevance of your views to their present or future condition and realize how these affect their life or impact society in general. Present a thought-provoking question If you wish your reader to think more about the topic and explore your ideas further, you can leave them with a question. This could be used to inject a different viewpoint from that stated at the beginning of the essay or to offer interesting or unique information. A solid conclusion to your paper makes it more memorable. It ties your introduction and body into a unified whole. Knowing different ways to create a good conclusion helps you organize your thoughts better and choose the method that suits you. If you need assistance with essays, papers, case studies, and other academic research, in the GTA and throughout Canada is here to help. Our team of professional writers specializes in services for your academic needs. Get in touch with us at 1-800-573-0840.